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Arabic Text with Urdu and English Translation - Surah At-Takwir

Allah in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.

When the sunshine is folded up,

And when the stars fall off,

And when the mountains are made to move,

And when the pregnant she camels are abandoned.

And when the beasts are gathered together,

And when the seas are kindled,

And when the souls are paired.

And when the female buried alive is questioned about.

For what crime was she killed?

And when the sheets of actions are opened,

And when the heaven is taken off from its place,

And when the Hell is caused to flare up,

And when the Paradise is brought, near,

(Then) each soul shall know what it has brought forward.

Then I swear by those that recede;

More straight and then stop.

And by the night when it departs.

And by the morning when it breathes.

Undoubtedly, this is the recitation of a noble Messenger.

Who is powerful, dignified in the presence of the Lord of the Throne.

There He is obeyed, He is trustworthy.

And your companion is not mad.

And undoubtedly, he saw him on the bright horizon.

And he is not niggardly as to the disclosing of unseen.

And the Quran is not the recitation of satan (Devil) the accursed.

Whither, then, are you going?

This is not but an admonition to the entire world.

For him among you who desire to be straight.

And what you desire, but only this that Allah the Lord of the world desires.

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