Allah in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful. | |

A questioner asks for the torment to befall. |
.1 |

Upon the infidels, which there is none to repel. |
.2 |

It will be from Allah the Master of Ascending heights. |
.3 |

The angels and Jibrael ascend towards Him. That chastisement will fall on a day the measure of which is fiftythousand years. |
.4 |

So be you patient with a goodly patience. |
.5 |

They are thinking it to be far off. |
.6 |

And We are seeing it to be near. |
.7 |

The day when the heaven will become like molten silver. |
.8 |

And the mountains will become so light as wool. |
.9 |

And no friend will ask any friend. |
.10 |

They will be seeing them. The culprit will long that he might ransom himself from the torment of that day byhis sons, |
.11 |

And his wife and his brother, |
.12 |

And his clan in which there is place for him. |
.13 |

And all those who are on the earth, then this ransom might save him. |
.14 |

Never, it is indeed a raging fire. |
.15 |

Putting off the skin. |
.16 |

It is calling him who turned his back and turned his face. |
.17 |

And hoarded wealth and withheld it. |
.18 |

Undoubtedly, man has been made impatient greedy. |
.19 |

When evil touches him, he is badly perplexed, |
.20 |

And when good reaches him, he withheld, |
.21 |

But those who pray, |
.22 |

Those who are constant in their prayer. |
.23 |

And those in whose wealth there are a known right. |
.24 |

For one who asks for and for one who could not even ask for and remains deprived. |
.25 |

And those who know the Day of judgement a reality. |
.26 |

And those who are afraid of the torment of their Lord. |
.27 |

Undoubtedly, the torment of their Lord is not a thing to become un-fearful. |
.28 |

And those who guard their private parts. |
.29 |

But from their wives and from those whom their hands possess. They are not to be blamed for them. |
.30 |

And who seeks others save those two then they are the transgressors. |
.31 |

And those who safeguard their trusts and their covenant, |
.32 |

And those who are firm on their testimonies, |
.33 |

And those who preserve their prayers. |
.34 |

They are, who shall be honoured in the Gardens. |
.35 |

But what happened to those infidels, that they see towards you with sharp eyes. |
.36 |

On the right and the left, groups after groups. |
.37 |

Does every man among those covet that he shall enter the Garden of comfort? |
.38 |

Never, undoubtedly, We have made them of that which they know. |
.39 |

I swear by the Lord of the easts and wests that We are surely, Authoritative. |
.40 |

That We may exchange better than they are, and no one can go out of Our hands. |
.41 |

So leave them in their idle talks and play until they meet that day of theirs, which they are promised with. |
.42 |

The day when they will come forth from their graves hurrying as if they were hastening towards marks, |
.43 |

With their eyes cast down, covered with disgrace. This is their that day of which they were promised. |
.44 |