Allah in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful. | |

Ha-Mim. |
.1 |

This Book is the sending down from Allah, the Dignified, and the Wise. |
.2 |

We made not the heavens and the earth and what is in between but with truth and for a term appointed. Andthe infidels turn away from that they were warned of. |
.3 |

Say you, 'well, tell you, what you worship besides Allah show me, what particle of the earth they have made, orthey have any share in the heavens'? Bring me a Book before this or anything left over of knowledge, if you aretruthful. |
.4 |

And who is more misguided than he who worship besides Allah such ones who may not hear his call till the Dayof Resurrection and even they are unaware of their worship. |
.5 |

And when mankind shall be gathered, they shall be enemies to them and will deny their worship. |
.6 |

And when Our bright signs are recited to them, the infidels say concerning the truth having come to them, 'thisis a magic manifest' |
.7 |

Do they say, 'he has fabricated it'? Say you, 'if I have fabricated it, you have no power for me against Allah. Heknows well in what uttering you are busy. And He is Sufficient as witness between me and you, And He isForgiving, Merciful. |
.8 |

Say you, 'I am not a novel messenger and I know not, what shall be done with me and with you. I only followwhat is revealed to me. And I am not but a plain warner. |
.9 |

Say you, 'see to it, if that Quran is from Allah and you have disbelieved in it, while a witness from the childrenof Israel has already bore witness to it and he has believed, while you waxed proud'. Undoubtedly Allah guidesnot the unjust people. |
.10 |

And the infidels said about, Muslims, 'if there had been some good in it, they could not have reached to itahead of us. And since they have not been guided thereby, now, therefore, they will say, this is an oldcalumny. |
.11 |

And before it there is the Book of Musa, a guide, and mercy; and this is a book confirming in Arabic languagethat it may warn the unjust and good tidings to the righteous. |
.12 |

Undoubtedly those who said, 'our Lord is Allah, and then remained steadfast there shall be no fear upon themnor shall they grieve. |
.13 |

They are the people of Paradise, they shall abide therein a reward of their doings. |
.14 |

And We commanded man to do good to his parents. His mother bore him with pain, and gave birth to him withpain. And his bearing and weaning are in thirty months, till when he reached to his strength and attained meage of forty years, he submitted, 'O my Lord, put in my heart that I may be thankful for Your blessing whichYou bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do such works which may please You, and makemy offspring righteous for me. I turned towards you, and I am muslim.' |
.15 |

These are they whose good works We shall accept and will overlook their evil deeds. They are among the inhabitants of Paradise -the true promise which was made to them. |
.16 |

And he who said to his parents, 'Fie, I am fed up with you both, do you promise me that I shall be broughtforth again, whilst generations have already passed before me? And they both cry unto Allah for help, Woe toyou; believe you, verily the promise of Allah is true. Then he says, 'this is not but the tales of the ancients'. |
.17 |

These are they against whom the sentence has already been proved amongst the people of jinn and mankindat had gone before them. Undoubtedly, they were the losers. |
.18 |

And for everyone there is degree according to their own actions, and that Allah may pay them in full for theirworks, and they shall not be wronged. |
.19 |

And the day the unbelievers shall be presented to the fire, it shall be said to them, You have already exhaustedyour pure things in your worldly life and have enjoyed them, therefore today you shall be recompensed withthe degrading torment, a punishment for that you used to wax proud in the earth without right and apunishment for that you used to disobey. |
.20 |

And remember the compatriot of Aad, when he warned them in the land of Ahquaf (winding sand tracts) andundoubtedly, the warners have already passed away before him and have come after him (saying) worshipnone save Allah'. Undoubtedly I fear for you the torment of a great day. |
.21 |

They said, 'Have you come for this that you may turn us away from our Gods'? Bring us then that with whichyou promise us, if you are truthful. |
.22 |

He said, 'the news thereof is only with Allah, and I only deliver to you the message of my Lord, yes, in myopinion you are totally ignorant people'. |
.23 |

Then, when they saw the torment like clouds spread in the sides of the sky coming towards their Valleys, said,this is a cloud which will rain over us. Not so, rather it is that which you sought to hasten a windstorm whereinis a painful torment. |
.24 |

It destroys everything by the command of its Lord. So in the morning they remained as they were not seen buttheir deserted dwellings. Thus, We punish the culprits. |
.25 |

And undoubtedly, We had given them the control that we gave not to you; and made for them ears and eyesand hearts. But their ears and eyes and hearts availed them nothing, since they used to deny the signs of Allahand they were encompassed by the torment that they used to mock at. |
.26 |

And undoubtedly, We destroyed the cities round about you and brought varying signs so That they may desist. |
.27 |

Why, then did not those help them whom they had taken for Gods beside Allah for attaining His nearness? Nay,rather they were lost from them, and thus is their calumny and fabrication. |
.28 |

And when We turned to you a number of jinn, giving ear to the Quran and when they were present there saidamong themselves 'be silent', then when the recitation ended, they went back to their people warning. |
.29 |

They said, 'O our people.' We have heard a Book, that was sent down after Musa, confirming the former Booksand guiding towards the truth and to the straight path. |
.30 |

'O our people! Respond to the caller of Allah and believe in Him that He may forgive some of your sins andsave you from the painful torment |
.31 |

And whoso responds not to the caller of Allah, he cannot go out of control in the earth and he has no helperagainst Allah. They are in manifest error. |
.32 |

Have they not known that Allah, who made the heavens and the earth and was not wearied in making them,has the power to give life to the dead? Why not, undoubtedly He can do everything. |
.33 |

And the day when the infidels shall be presented before the Fire it will be said to them, 'Is not this the truth'?They will say, 'why not, by our Lord'. It will be said to them, 'taste then the torment, the recompense of yourinfidelity'. |
.34 |

Have you patience then, as had the resolute Messengers; and be in no haste about them, as on the day whenthey will see that they are promised with, (it will seem to them) they had not tarried in the world but for anhour of a single day. This is to deliver Then who shall be destroyed but the people dis-obedient. |
.35 |