Translation of Quran In English - Surah Al-Balad 
- I swear by this City;
- And O beloved! you are dwelling in this city;
- And by your father Ibrahim and his progeny that you are;
- Undoubtedly, We created man in toil.
- Does man think that none will overcome him?
- He says, 'I have wasted heaps of wealth;
- Does man think that none has seen him?
- have We not made his two eyes;
- And a tongue and two lips'?
- And pointed to him the way of two raised things.
- Then he hurried not to the steep valley without deliberation;
- And what did you know what that valley is?
- It is the freeing of the neck of a bondman.
- Or providing food in a day of hunger.
- To an orphan near' of kin;
- Or to a poor man lying in the dust.
- Again, he should he of those who believed and counseled among themselves to be steadfast and counseledamong themselves to be merciful.
- These are the people of the right .
- But those who disbelieved Our signs, they are the people of , the left.
- Over them is a fire, that after casting them therein it has been closed from above.