Translation of Quran In English - Surah Al-Fajr
- By the Dawn;
- And by the ten nights;
- And by the even and the odds
- And by the night when it departs,
- Is there not in it an oath for man of understanding?
- Have you not seen, what did your Lord with Aad?
- The people of Iram excessively tall,
- The like of whom have not been created in cities.
- And with Thamud who hewed out rocks in the valley.
- And with Firawn (Pharoah) who pilloried.
- Those who transgressed in the cities.
- And spread mischief therein
- Therefore your Lord let down upon them the whip of torment with force.
- Undoubtedly, nothing is absent from the sight of Your Lord.
- But man, when his Lord tries him and honours him and bestows favour on him, he says, 'my Lord hashonoured me'.
- But when He tries him and straitens his livelihood, he says, 'my Lord has disgraced me.
- Not so, but you do not honour the orphan.
- And you urge not one another to feed the poor,
- And devour the heritage of others greedily,
- And you love wealth exceedingly.
- Yes, when the earth is completely broken into pieces.
- And the Command of your Lord comes and also the angels in rows after rows,
- And Hell is brought that day, on that day man will think, but now where is the time for thinking?
- He will say, O would that I had sent forward some good works in my life.
- So on that day none torments any like His torment.
- And nor anyone binds like His binding.
- 'O you peaceful soul.'
- Return to your Lord well pleased with Him, and He well pleased with you.
- So, enter you among My chosen bondmen.
- And come to My Garden.