Translation of Quran In English - Surah At-Tariq
- By the heaven and the night comer.
- And have you known anything, what the night comer is?
- The bright shining star.
- There is no soul but there is a guardian over it.
- Then let man consider, from what he is created.
- Created from a gushing water.
- Which comes out from between the loins and the ribs.
- Undoubtedly, Allah has power to restore him.
- The day when the secrets shall be tested.
- Then man shall have no strength, no helper.
- By heaven from which rain pours down,
- And the earth that splits thereof.
- Undoubtedly, Quran is necessarily a decisive word.
- And it is no merriment.
- Undoubtedly, the infidels are planning their own plan.
- And I arrange My secret plan.
- So give a long rope to the infidels, give them some time.