Translation of Quran In English - Surah At-Takwir 
- When the sunshine is folded up,
- And when the stars fall off,
- And when the mountains are made to move,
- And when the pregnant she camels are abandoned.
- And when the beasts are gathered together,
- And when the seas are kindled,
- And when the souls are paired.
- And when the female buried alive is questioned about.
- For what crime was she killed?
- And when the sheets of actions are opened,
- And when the heaven is taken off from its place,
- And when the Hell is caused to flare up,
- And when the Paradise is brought, near,
- (Then) each soul shall know what it has brought forward.
- Then I swear by those that recede;
- More straight and then stop.
- And by the night when it departs.
- And by the morning when it breathes.
- Undoubtedly, this is the recitation of a noble Messenger.
- Who is powerful, dignified in the presence of the Lord of the Throne.
- There He is obeyed, He is trustworthy.
- And your companion is not mad.
- And undoubtedly, he saw him on the bright horizon.
- And he is not niggardly as to the disclosing of unseen.
- And the Quran is not the recitation of satan (Devil) the accursed.
- Whither, then, are you going?
- This is not but an admonition to the entire world.
- For him among you who desire to be straight.
- And what you desire, but only this that Allah the Lord of the world desires.