Translation of Quran In English - Surah Az-Zariyat 
- By those who scatter by scattering.
- Then the burden bearers.
- Then the smooth runners.
- And then the distributors by command.
- Undoubtedly, what is promised to you is surely true.
- And undoubtedly, the justice is sure to be done.
- By heaven that is adorned (by stars).
- You are at variance in your talks.
- He alone is turned away from this Quran who is destined to be turned away.
- Killed be the fabricators.
- Who are forgetful in intoxication (of ignorance).
- They ask, 'when will be the day of judgements'.
- It will be a day when they shall be tried on the fire.
- And it will be said to them, 'taste your trial'. This is what you were hastening.
- Surely, the pious are in the gardens and springs.
- Receiving what their Lord gives them. Surely, they were doers of good before that.
- They used to sleep little by night.
- And in the last part of the night, they used to seek forgiveness.
- And in their wealth, there was the right of the beggars and the unfortunate.
- And in the earth are signs for those who are convinced.
- And in your own selves. Do you not then perceive?
- And in heaven is your provision, and that you are promised.
- Therefore, by the Lord of the heavens and the earth, verily this Quran is the truth in the same language, whichyou speak.
- 'O beloved! (prophet) has the news of the honoured guests of Ibrahim come to you?
- When they came to him and said, 'peace', he said, 'peace', they are the persons strangers.
- Then he went to his house and brought a fatted calf.
- Then he placed before them. He said, 'do you not eat.
- Then he began to fear in his heart on account of them, they said, 'fear not, and gave him glad tidings, of thebirth of a son of knowledge.
- Then his wife came forward crying and smote her forehead and said, 'what! A barren old woman.
- They said, 'thus has said your Lord. And He is the Wise the Knowing.
- Ibrahim said, 'and O angels! For what business you have come?
- They said, 'We have been sent to a sinful people.
- That We may let, loose upon them stones of baked clay.
- Which are with your Lord marked for the extravagant.
- Then We brought forth from the city those who were believers.
- But We found there only one house of Muslims.
- And We left therein a sign for those who fear a painful torment.
- And in Musa also, when We sent him to Firawn with bright authority.
- But he turned away with his army and said, 'a magician or a madman.
- So seizing him and his army, We cast them into the sea in a condition that he was blaming himself.
- And in Aad too, when We sent to them a dry windstorm.
- That it left the thing it came upon like a rotten thing.
- And in Thamud too, when it was said to them; enjoy yourselves for a while'.
- But they rebelled against the command of their Lord then a thunderbolt overtook them before their eyes.
- Then neither they could stand up nor they could take revenge.
- And We destroyed the People of Nuh before them. Undoubtedly they were the people disobedient.
- And We have made the heaven with hands, and undoubtedly We are Makers of the vast extent.
- And We have made the earth a floor, and what an excellent spreader We are.
- And We have made pairs of everything that you may reflect.
- Therefore, flee towards Allah. Undoubtedly I am a clear warner to you from Him.
- And do not set other gods along with Allah. Surely, I am a clear warner to you from Him.
- In the same way, whenever any Messenger came to those before them, they said only 'a magician or amadman'.
- Have they bequeathed it to one another? Nay' rather they are a people contumacious.
- Therefore O beloved! (Prophet) turn your face from them and there is no blame on you.
- And admonish, for admonition benefits the muslims.
- And I have created the Jinn and the men only for this that they may worship Me.
- I ask for no provision from them, and nor I desire that they should feed Me.
- Undoubtedly, it is only Allah, the Great Provider, the Powerful, the Authoritative.
- Surely, then for those who do wrong there is a portion of torment as there was a portion for their fellows,therefore let them not ask Me to hasten.
- "Woe is then to the infidels because of that day of theirs which they are promised.